Local organisation helps families get their happily ever after

Photo: Kidz Need Dadz Support Group Session (Image has been altered by AI to keep members identities private).

Unfortunately not all relationships or families get the happily ever after they want and some families need guidance along the way to reach their own version of it, even when that involves separations.

Kidz Need Dadz is the helping hand offering support to families in the Bay of Plenty to help them strengthen their relationships with their children and get the best happily ever after ending possible for them.

Founded in 2000, Kidz Need Dadz works mainly through strengthening the relationship between dads and children through support, education and having some fun along the way. They believe children need loving and supportive parents whether the family lives together or not.

The fairytale ending Kidz Need Dadz wishes for their families, is that children have well rounded parents who cooperate and engage with each other and the children.

When a family separates, a lot can suddenly change for the children involved. They no longer have two parents in the house, may not see one of them, or may be exposed to unhelpful environments or experiences during their parents’ separation.

Tauranga’s DadzKare Advocate Jim Smith says Kidz Need Dadz’ mission is to help New Zealand men be the best dads they can be as any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.

“Many of the men we see can be in a dark place where they don’t have much direction as they’re unaware of what is ahead of them, the processes of separating, being in family courts and child allocation,” says Smith, “We work to support and educate them so they can play an active part in their children’s lives.”

“We help them learn how to express their feelings in healthy ways, deal with the anger and pain of separations, understand the road ahead, and take care of themselves, so they can be there for their kids and set an example.”

The organisation does this through working with each man and their family on improving their parenting, assisting with legal guidance and mentoring, and providing information on male health and wellbeing services.

Men can work one-on-one with Jim for help with documentation, dealing with agencies or building strong strategies within the family to ensure they thrive and support their kids better.

Local men are also able to utilise the DadzKare programme, which is a safe space of support online, over the phone, or in person, where they can ask questions and be supported by others in similar situations.

Kidz Need Dadz also offer KidzKare, a programme which provides the opportunity for the family to connect in a child-friendly environment with a backyard and jungle gym for supervised visits between parents and children.

Local funder, TECT granted $24,000 to Kidz Need Dadz for operational costs with the funding mainly benefiting the DadzKare programme, to allow for more coaching to ensure a smooth transition for local men needing support.  

TECT Trustee, Peter Blackwell says TECT wants a thriving, caring and connected community in the Western Bay of Plenty and as a community-focused trust, we provide support to local initiatives that make a difference.

“Helping men get through a tough time in their life and remain part of their children’s lives by continuing to have a relationship with them, allows the children to grow up more well rounded,” says Blackwell.

“Kidz Need Dadz teach the men that walk through their doors about operating a high conduct model and how to care for themselves, so they can care for their kids and be a good dad.”

Kidz Need Dadz is supported by local lawyers, the family court and various other agencies to ensure local families get their happily ever after. They now offer services in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, alongside Bay of Plenty.

Kidz Need Dadz Services and Key Details:

  • DadzKare One-on-One Sessions are available by appointment.

  • Peer Support Meetings every Tuesday 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Kidz Need Dadz, 538 Fraser Street, Greerton, Tauranga

  • Online Support Meeting (Nationwide) every Thursday from 7:30pm – 9:00pm.

Contact Tauranga DadzKare Advocate/Kaitautoko for more information via tauranga@knd.org.nz


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