The people, places, events and projects that inspire us to make a difference. Take a look at some of the incredible initiatives taking place in our region and gain some insight into our grant-making decisions.
Apply for funding
Our funding works to support the people, places and projects making a difference in our community. We have a number of different funding schemes to assist community organisations with their initiatives.
At the heart of our community
TECT is a nationally recognised trust leading the way in community funding and support. We aim to make a significant impact, shaping the quality of life and wellbeing of those living in the Western Bay of Plenty now and for generations to come.
Write to us
The Kollective
DX Box HP40007
Tauranga 3112
Visit us
The Kollective,
145 17th Avenue,
Tauranga, New Zealand
Phone us
07 578 5094
Email us